Inter-Generational Joy by Chand Bhangal Is a visual storyline that represents two generations taking up space in public spaces where Immigrants and their cultures aren’t typically included and represented. Immigrant and their respective cultures aren’t usually visible in mainstream and public spaces due to a variety of reasons such as lack of safety, discrimination, alienation and so much more. Throughout our childhoods, Nautica and I had viewed how the elders in our family navigate throughout Canadian society. Assimilation is a tricky concept to grasp and it has been enlightening to see how our elders were able to blend both of their worlds to exist and take up space. However, there is an internal battle in which they often ask themselves “Am I Canadian enough?”. This visual installation also demonstrates the power and influence of limited worldviews and how they affect how we perceive the world and happiness. We need to accept that our bodies and culture can and will take up space, and we are proud of it. With this piece, we hope to not only commemorate it to the generation of immigrants who have worked so tirelessly to provide, but to also capture generations in spaces we often feel like we don’t fit in. We come closer to learning and embracing our purpose when we start to accept our true selves. Creative Director & Model @chandbhangal Photography @nauticaenomis Displayed at the Ikiagi Experience Exhibition @ivneetsira @zso.____